The articles found on this page are more expansive than the devotionals that you will find in the Principle Approach Devotionals section. However, they are still very devotional in nature.  

There are a couple of these articles that are highly focused on the ideals of Asymmetric Faith that we encourage you to read first: 

Giving up on Christianity

The Peril of Dwarves

Beyond that, we encourage you to enjoy the read…

I originally wrote this in 2020. It’s now 2025. . .it still holds true. It’s just after dawn on New Year’s Eve day and I have just returned from dropping my wife and daughter off at a race where they will run a 5k followed by […]
I’ve got a secret.  It’s not the one that you may have thought of when you saw the title.  I’m pretty careful about it and don’t just go around sharing it with just anyone.  The secret is not that I’m a follower of Jesus.  I’m pretty […]
I was in the car the other day and settling back into listening to non-Christmas music after the holidays.  I had on a radio station and saw a new song I hadn’t heard come on the radio.  It was entitled “Born with a Broken Heart” and […]
I admit it. I fight as hard as I can this time of year, every four years in the United States, not to be absolutely consumed with politics and the election of the President, Vice President, House, Senate, and all the other elections that take place. […]
Today’s post is by Dr. David Ryser. Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. (Psalm 127:1a) I watched it die a slow death. What I perceived to be a genuine move of God in this little church was waning. It […]
I work in spaces that often have very institutional perspectives on church and faith.  There are the regular “hooks” thrown out by well-meaning people that try to bring in people to the church building.  I just had an old pastor invite me to a leadership development […]
This posted was written by Dr. Owen Allen, one of our contributors, and shared with permission. For us Christians, one thing that’s confusing is to pray for healing and not see any result. Whether we’re praying for ourselves, a family member, another Christian, or a stranger […]
This posted was written by Dr. Owen Allen, one of our contributors, and shared with permission. For us Christians, life’s greatest miracle – and biggest mystery – is the promise that we’ll go to heaven some day.  The problem is that we don’t know much about […]
This post is by Dr. David Ryser, one of our site’s contributing authors, and Ralph Ray. Religion (noun):  A return to bondage.  The word is traced to the Latin re meaning “again” and ligare meaning “to bind.”  (Andrew Farley, in his book:  God Without Religion.)Once upon […]
I once heard the definition of a minister as being “one who stands in the place of a great one.”  Think of it in terms of a “minister of the interior” for a country.  They stand in the place of the Prime Minister of the country.  […]
I still remember the setting, my general age, and the basics of what I saw despite it being almost 50 years ago.  I lived in Las Vegas and it was probably a Sunday because of where we were.  At the time, we went to a small […]
I’m a drummer and love a good beat in a song.  I think I was hooked the moment I saw one of my cousin’s drum set as a very young child (like three years old).  I would bang on things from that moment on in life.  […]
As I’ve navigated the life of asymmetric faith, I’ve wondered about something. If churches really are focused on a relationship with Jesus, and leading their people to do the same, why wouldn’t they be asymmetric? Why aren’t they focused on the things that produce that fruit […]
I’m at a conference this week for Bible colleges. The conversation, naturally, includes aspects of preparation for ministers. There is just one problem: The focus is entirely on traditional models of ministry where they are connected with a church or institutional ministry. I do get it. […]
This post is shared with the permission of Dr. David Ryser, one of the contributors to this site. Dr. Ryser has been walking the path of asymmetric faith for some time. You may have seen this article on social media in the past. That’s where I […]
This thought hit me the other day. God can’t love you or me any more than He already does. I’ve been thinking about (meditating on) that for the last several days. I know He loves me perfectly and infinitely. But to think that He can’t love […]
My church experience growing up was, primarily, not a bad one. I had good Sunday school teachers (thanks Paul, Steve, and others that I can see the faces of in my head but can’t pull the names). I had a dear youth pastor. I had some […]
As I have been traveling the path of Asymmetric Faith, one thing that has aroused my attention is the state of my perception of all things Christendom. That is to say, I’ve struggled with finding a balance of being “wise as a serpent and harmless as […]
Whenever I hear someone talking about meditation, I go into lockdown mode to find out what they mean. Meditation in pop culture is huge these days. I was even taking a continuing education course on a totally unrelated topic and the person doing the course had […]
I recently watched “Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with Dave Letterman” on Disney+. If you get the chance to view it, I highly recommend it. While it seemed that David Letterman was grappling with what he was observing from an outsider to the faith, it […]
Severe Peace:  I’d never said it that way before when telling the story but the phrase came out when I was describing a period of clearest direction from God in my life to a colleague.  After I said it, it struck both of us as a unique […]
Photo by Ian Scott No changes made
Today I read one of my favorite passages in the New Testament (John 20)  as part of my Bible reading plan.  It’s the story of Mary Magdalene at the tomb of Jesus.  You’re lucky to just be reading about my reaction to the passage.  If you […]
I woke up this morning with a sense of “ending.”  That is, I was thinking of “this is the last time this year I will. . .”  It wasn’t a bad thought process but one of focus.  Yes, there were a few silly things:  the last […]
This morning, I’m struck with how much praise God deserves.  He deserves praise for things on a big scale. He is God of all creation. . .creating it so that He could show love to creation. He is the God who made the earth that I […]
Like the plan of attack for every major successful offensive, this one had been planned in detail.  The personnel had to be in place.  The political structures were influenced.  The weapons and tactics were assigned.  Commands were given.  The battle was started. Whether it was King […]
This past week, I visited a client institution and spoke to their board of directors.  They asked me, as part of their board meetings, to bring a devotional to them. This is that devotional: The Greek word for Talents is:  τάλαντον  The transliteration to English is […]
I was taking my daughter to school today (for the last day of school before summer break – WOOHOOO!).  Shasta the dog was along for the ride.  (She LOVES to go for a ride in the car and gets annoyed when she can’t go.)  Usually, after […]
Like many, I grew up in a time when ministry was from the pulpit….or going to Africa.  Or at least that was how I often perceived it.  The dream of being “in the ministry” was one of special choosing by God of the person. Ministers were […]
While it wasn’t tied to a traditional semester term like those ending around the country right now, I finished up my last dissertation student when she successfully defended her research on Tuesday evening.  That means I’m officially retired from being a faculty member.  I had been […]
This past weekend, I attended the Men’s Advance (we’re guys. . .we don’t retreat!  We advance!) Weekend.  A group of us have been planning it for eight or nine months.  We had times of extended praise and worship and Joe McGee ( as a speaker.  It […]
Today I was working out on the elliptical for the first time in a long time because I was not feeling like dodging the thunderstorm that the news said was on the way.  I was doing a 30-minute workout.  In the last five minutes, I cranked […]
I’m sitting in the airport on my way home from a trip to meet up with clients at a Leadership Conference.  As I think about going home, it warms my heart.  I’m a complete homebody.  I could spend all week holed up at home without going […]
I commented to a friend once that, growing up, I never felt like my parents played favorites. I always felt that they consistently loved each of us kids and weren’t partial to any of us. (I could insert a funny comment about them loving me more […]
Halfheartedness (noun):  (Ironic Definition)  The state of being halfhearted.  See Websters for a better definition.  ;-D I was out for a short run this morning (too short, really, given that there is a half-marathon looming a week from Sunday).  As I was running through an intersection […]
I’ve been thinking for several years about the concept of my frailty as a human.  I’m not smart enough (I’ll put in print, just don’t tell my wife. . .but she’s smarter than me).  I’m not strong enough (as I am getting older, I’ve gone from […]
It’s a name we got called on the playground as a kid (or called some other kid on the playground). It was an oft-condoned word in our verbal arsenal against another person. At least there were no washing of the mouth with soap experiences in most […]
Do you ever get reminded of the “still, small voice?” That is, do you ever recall, suddenly, that there was that fleeting thought, that hunch, that mental image that popped when something was happening? Then you’re reminded that it happened later. . .usually when things didn’t […]
Quite by “accident,” I did a fast at the beginning of the year several years ago.  At the time, I was not in the practice of fasting much (well, except for beets, rutabagas, and okra).  However, one of the volunteer groups that I served on was, […]
For a while now, my view of how we (the supposed body and bride of Christ) are functioning and should function, has been changing. I recognize that should anyone ever find this blog, I will have immediate naysayers and “ifs” and “buts” that come up to […]