Nehemiah 2
Nehemiah is working for the king and the king notices that he is sad. The king asks him why and Nehemiah, probably praying under his breath as he does, tells threw king about why he’s sad: Jerusalem is in shambles. The king asks how he can help and Nehemiah boldly asks to be allowed to go rebuild it. The king asks how long he would be gone and Nehemiah tells him and asks for letters of support. The king grants it and sends him with support.
Principles: God makes a way for His plans to be accomplished. Be prepared by knowing what you need to do a job.
Nehemia 7
After the wall was complete, Nehemiah appoints his brother as governor because of his fear for God. He then gave instructions for minding the gate and registered the people who had returned.
Principles: once you have accomplished the task you came to accomplish, you can’t just leave it unattended. Someone trustworthy must care for it. Nehemiah recognized that was not for him to do.
Nehemia 8
After finishing the law Ezra reads the law to the Israelites. Most were overwhelmed and were crying but the leaders told them not to cry but to recognize the sacredness of the time. Then they worshipped and celebrated the festival of shelters as they were supposed to celebrate it.
Principles: remember to worship God when He gives you the victory and rejoice in times of celebration.
Nehemia 9
In this chapter, the Israelites now come before God in repentance. They review their history of God’s blessing, their rejection of Him, and His unfailing mercy despite their rejection. They recognize their current state of being in captivity is due to their actions. They pledge to follow God.
Principles: Recognize God’s provisions despite our sin.
Nehemia 10
The Israelites decide to separate themselves from those that don’t follow the law of Moses. They ratify the law and choose to live it with threat of a curse on themselves if they don’t.
Priciples: take the time to put in writing what you intend to do to remind yourself what was said.
Nehemia 11
In this chaper Nehemiah outlines those that are chosen to live in Jerusalem after the wall was completed. Sacred lot was used to select many of them. It also talks about other places where the people were to live and where somebof the Levites were sent to live to be able to care for the people.
Principles: God provides a plan for ongoing care.
Nehemia 12
Their is a listing of the priests that were in Israel and their lineage. Then it the chapter discusses the provisions made to dedicate the wall and then the joyful provision for the Levites. The people were very joyful for what God had done.
Principles: God’s provision brings joy.
Nehemia 13
As they had been reading the law of Moses, they found that the Ammonite were not allowed to be part of the services because of their treatment of the Israelites during the Exodus. So the Israelites removed all foreigners from the assembly. However, Nehemiah, who had been back with Artexerxes returned to find that they had let other things slip. Nehemiah chastised them for those things and worked to get them back on track.
Principles: it’s much easier to relax the standard for convenience. A visionary must be a standard bearer.