Matthew 1
This chapter starts by covering the genealogy from Abraham to Jesus. In the genealogy, it highlights several woman who played key roles (Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba) in the genealogy. It then covers the story in short of Mary and Joseph’s betrothal, the supernatural pregnancy of Mary with Jesus, and Joseph’s dream telling him that Mary was pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit and that he should marry her.
Principles: God designed a process and worked through the process to bring about the plan He intended. God highlighted three women in the genealogy and one in the birth of Jesus (Mary) that were essential to the plan.
Matthew 2
This chapter highlights the arrival of the wise men from the east searching for the newborn king of the Jews. It covers Herod killing boys under 2 years of age trying to kill the newborn king of the Jews. It also covers God directing both the Wise men and Joseph in avoiding Herod and danger.
Principles: we have lost the ability to read the heavens. Be careful of the intention of powerful rulers because they may not wish for good.
Matthew 3
This chapter introduces John the Baptist preaching and baptizing. The chapter connects to the prophecy about John from the old testament. It shares how John calls out the Pharisees who come to watch John preach. It then tells the story of Jesus going to John to get baptized. John says that he (John) should be baptized by Jesus. However Jesus tells him that to baptize Him (Jesus) to follow what God has said to do. After Jesus is baptized, the heavens open up and the Spirit descends on Him like a dove and a voice says “This is my dearly loved Son who brings me great joy.”
Principles: There is a part that God has for each of us to do.
Matthew 4
This chapter talks first about Jesus going into the wilderness too fast and is tempted by satan. Then it moves on to Jesus’ start of ministry and calling of disciples.
Principles: God prepares us for His work.
Matthew 5
In this chapter, Jesus begins to select His disciples. He is teaching the crowds and they were pressing in to the point he was running out of room against the Sea of Galilea. He went to Simon (Peter) and asked him to push off from the shore so He could reach from there. After he was done preaching Jesus tells Peter to push off from the shore and drop his nets again. Peter objects at first because they’d fished all night and caught nothing but relents and goes out again. Soon their nets were so full that they were ripping and they called their partners (James and John) over to help. Peter realizes that this is no ordinary catch or ordinary man. He begs Jesus to go away because he (Simon Peter) is sinful. Jesus responds not to be afraid and that from now on, they would be fishing for people. They all left to follow Jesus.
Next in the chapter, Jesus encounters a man with leprosy asking to be healed if Jesus is willing to heal him. Jesus is willing and heals him. He then tells him to keep quiet about how he was healed but to go to the priests to be checked and offer the sacrifices required of those who have been healed. While the man goes to get checked out offer the sacrifices, he doesn’t keep quiet about it.
The next story in this chapter is one of a lame man whose friends try to get him to Jesus. However, the friends couldn’t get him to Jesus because it was crowded in the house where he was preaching and they couldn’t get through. So the friends climbed up on the roof of the house, took away the roof tiles, and lowered their friend through the roof so that he would be lowered in front of Jesus. Jesus saw the faith of the men and told the lame man that his sins were forgiven. (This infuriated the religious leaders because they said only God could forgive sins.). Jesus knew their thoughts and asked is it easier to forgive sins or heal someone? To demonstrate He had the authority, Jesus then told the man to get up, take his mat, and go home. The man did that and left praising God.
As Jesus was leaving that town, He sees Matthew, a tax collector (who later writes the book of Matthew), and tells him to come follow Him and be His disciple. Matthew does. Later Matthew throws a banquet for Jesus inviting other tax collectors and guests. The Pharisees complained to Jesus and His disciples asking why He would eat with “such scum.” Jesus replied that He didn’t come to call those who think they are righteous but those that know they are sinful.
Some people asked Jesus why John the Baptist’s disciples fasted and His did not. Jesus noted that friends of the bridegroom don’t fast while they celebrate the groom. He noted that the day will come when the bridegroom would be taken and they would fast. Then Jesus gave an illustration comparing the situation to new cloth being used on old cloth to patch and new wine being put into old wine skins and how neither would work.
Principles: Jesus has control of nature. Jesus has authority because He is God. Thinking you are righteous doesn’t save you. Knowing that you are sinful and repenting to God saves you. God did something new through Jesus.
Matthew 6
Principles: Be private in your giving, praying, and fasting and not focused on money or possessions.
Principles: Be private in your giving, praying, and fasting and not focused on money or possessions.
Matthew 7
This chapter continues the sermon in the mount. It covers judging others, effective prayer, the golden rule, few people will get into heaven, fruit of a person’s work as a measure of the person, being a true disciple of Jesus, and building on a solid foundation as a metaphor for doing God’s will. The chapter ends by noting how amazed the people listening were because of Jesus’ authority when preaching.
Principles: Build your relationship on a solid foundation and focus on what you have going on in your relationship with Him rather than worrying about what others are doing. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Matthew 8
This chapter is after the sermon on the mount. Jesus heals a man with leprosy, a Roman soldier’s servant (without even going to him), Peter’s mother in law, and casts demons out of people. On their way across the Sea of Galilee, Jesus calms the storm that arises. Jesus also talks about the cost of following him when people ask Him about that.
Principles: There will always be something that tries to get in the way of doing God’s will.
Matthew 9
This chapter is after the sermon on the mount. Jesus heals a man with leprosy, a Roman soldier’s servant (without even going to him), Peter’s mother in law, and casts demons out of people. On their way across the Sea of Galilee, Jesus calms the storm that arises. Jesus also talks about the cost of following him when people ask Him about that.
Principles: There will always be something that tries to get in the way of doing God’s will.
Matthew 10
In this chapter Jesus prepares his 12 disciples to go out and practice what He’s been teaching them with His being with them. He also gives them some last minute advice about what they should do and what they should expect in the future.
Principles: let those your training practice what you’re training. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Matthew 11
This chapter takes place while Jesus’ disciples are out traveling. John the Baptist’s disciples are sent by John (who is in prison unjustly) to ask Jesus if he is the Messiah (the One sent by God to save His people). Jesus answers them giving examples of what is happening and have John draw his own conclusion. Then Jesus began talking about John and how he fulfilled prophecy about Jesus. He then moved on to speak against places He had preached that had not returned. The end of the chapter is a prayer inviting people to follow Him.
Principles: in the midst of prolonged trial, it sometimes hard to see the truth.
Matthew 12
Jesus deals with accusations that he has violated the law of not working on the sabbath, a day set aside by God for resting. Jesus points out that doing good is okay on the sabbath. Then he is accused of casting out demons by the power of satan. Jesus points out that if He was doing that, He would be dividing the kingdom of satan against itself and that would make it unstable. Instead, Jesus points out that someone stronger than Satan was casting them out. Jesus talks about a tree being identified by its fruit as a metaphor for people being recognized by what they do and accomplish. The Pharisees continue to be threatened by Jesus and try to trip him up and plot to kill him. Jesus’ mother and brothers come to where he is teaching asking to see Him and he says that His mother and brothers and sisters are those that do the will of the Father.
Principles: those that accuse the righteous are often hypocritical. Just because they are blood relatives doesn’t mean they are in line with God’s purpose.
Matthew 13
In this chapter Jesus teaches several parables including the farmer scattering seed on different types of soil, the parable of the wheat and the tares or weeds, the parable of the mustard seed, the parable of the yeast, the parable of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price, and the parable of the fishing net. The chapter also talks about how Jesus went to His home town and was generally rejected because they knew Him.
Principles: Jesus spoke in parables to lend more understanding to the listeners and hide the truth from the doubters. People who know you don’t necessarily respect you and the gifts God has placed in you.
Matthew 14
In this chapter we see the murdering of John the Baptist at the hands of Herod. Herod had imprisoned John for preaching against Herod marrying his brother’s wife. Herod was afraid of the people to do more than imprison him. However, Herod’s wife’s daughter performed a dance for Herod that pleased him so much that he promised her anything up to half his kingdom. The daughter connived with her mother and requested John’s beheading. This chapter also contains one of the times that Jesus fed a crowd of people with only a few loaves and fish. After feeding them, Jesus had the disciples get in the boat and go back across the Sea of Galilee while he sent the people home. Then Jesus went off to pray and walked across the Sea of Galilee to get back. He was walking on the water and the disciples who were struggling in the boat due to a storm saw him and thought he was a ghost. Jesus said it was him and Peter said if it was Jesus to have him come to Jesus. Jesus said come. Peter stepped out of the boat and started walking in water towards Jesus but then got scared because of the storm and started to sink. He cried out to Jesus and Jesus lifted him back up. Jesus asked why Peter had doubted Him. When they got into the boat the disciples worshipped Jesus recognizing that Jesus was the Son of God. When they got back to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, people saw that it was Jesus and started bringing the sick to be healed.
Principles: standing up for righteousness can get you killed. God cares for even the little things like eating. Jesus proved He is the Son of God.
Matthew 15
This chapter starts by telling of how Pharisees came from Jerusalem to check Jesus out. They began challenging Him by asking why His disciples didn’t observe certain traditions, namely hand washing before meals which was tradition not law Jesus turned it around on them asking why they observed tradition but violated law, giving them a specific example. He called them out using specific prophecy from Isaiah. The disciples were worried that Jesus had offended the Pharisees. Jesus let them know not to worry about offending them because they were not of God. The disciples asked Jesus to explain the teaching about being defined by what comes out of your mouth rather than what goes into your mouth. What comes out is from your heart. What goes in just passes through your digestion. A gentile woman came asking for Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus generally ignored her at first. The woman was persistent and Jesus recognized the faith in her and tested her persistence. Jesus healed her daughter. Jesus went back to the Sea of Galilea and healed the sick that came. Then after they had been there for several days the people had run out of food. Jesus again asked the disciples to feed them. They said they didn’t have enough. Jesus asked what they had, thanked God for it, and began breaking it up to distribute it. They fed 4000 men plus women and children. Everyone ate as much as they wanted and they collected seven baskets of extra. Then Jesus sent the crowds home and went across the Sea of Galilee to Magadan.
Principles: follow God directives and not man’s traditions. Faith moves the heart of God. God can take little and make it an excess.
Matthew 16
This chapter starts out by the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to Jesus demanding a sign from Him to “prove” He was authority. He rebuked then saying that they wouldn’t recognize a sign if they saw one and only v a rebellious generation demands a sign. He told them He would only give them the sign of Jonah foreshadowing His death and resurrection. Later Jesus warns the disciples to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples had forgotten to bring bread on their outing for the day and thought Jesus was talking about that so began arguing about who should have brought the bread. Jesus knew what they were arguing about and corrected them. He reminded them that He had fed 5000 and then 4000 with just a few loaves and fishes. Then they understood He was talking about the deception of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Jesus then asked the disciples who people said He was. They listed a number of prophets. Then Jesus asked who they said He was. Peter responded that Jesus was the Messiah (the one prophesied to save Israel) and Son of God Himself. Jesus said that Peter didn’t learn this from man but that Hod had revealed it to him. Then Jesus did a play on words with Peter’s name. He called him Peter which means rock and said upon this rock, Jesus will build His church. Some believe Jesus was saying that on Peter’s role, Jesus would build His church. Others believe that it was in the fact that Jesus was Messiah son of the living God was what Jesus would build His church. It is a little bit of both as Peter became the leader of the early believers.
Jesus then began to share the plan with the disciples of His death and resurrection at the hands of the religious leaders. Peter tried to rebuke Jesus and tell Him this wouldn’t happen. Jesus responded that what Peter was saying was a trap against the plan God had and that to consider another plan was a trap of Satan.
Jesus also noted to those following Him that they must give up on their own desires and take up God’s plan and follow Jesus. Jesus said by giving up your own life and following Him, you will save it.
Principles: it was the educated that resisted Jesus most. Jesus as the savior is the foundation of the church. Your priorities must be submitted to God’s.
Matthew 17
This chapter starts with Jesus, Peter, James, and John (Jesus’ inner circle) going up to a higher mountain to be alone. When they were up at the top, Jesus became bright shining like the sun. Then Moses and Elijah (prophets from ancient Jewish history) appeared and were talking to Jesus. Peter gets excited at all of this and tries to do something to honor the situation by building memorials to the three of them (Jesus, Moses, and Elijah). However, as he offers to do this, a cloud overshadows him and a Voice in the cloud says, “This is my dearly beloved Son who brings me great joy. Listen to Him.” This scared Peter, James, and John and they fall face down on the ground. A few minutes later, Jesus taps them on the shoulder and tells them not to be afraid. Everything is back to normal. In the conversation on the way down, Jesus tells them not to tell anyone about this until after He has risen from the dead. Then Peter, who has just seen Elijah, brings up a traditional religious belief that Elijah must come before Messiah comes. Jesus says it is true but that Elijah already did come but was rejected. They realize Jesus is talking about John the Baptist is the Elijah that came first.
When they get back down the mountain, people are waiting for them. A man brings his demon-possessed son to ask Jesus to heal him and rid the boy of the demon because his disciples could not. Jesus is seemingly frustrated at the situation. Jesus rebukes the demon and heals the boy. Later when the disciples ask why they couldn’t heal the boy, He tells them that they didn’t have enough faith. Jesus then gives them a lesson for them to understand how little faith it takes (the size of a mustard seed can move mountains).
Jesus again predicts His death and resurrection.
Jesus and His disciples go to Capernaum. When they arrive, a tax collector challenges Peter asking if Jesus pays his taxes. Peter says yes and goes off to where they were staying. As he enters, before he can say anything, Jesus asks him questions about taxes and whether kings tax their own people or sons or others that are subject to them. Peter responded the ones that are conquered. Jesus says that the citizens are free then. He continues and says but we don’t want to offend them. So go down, cast a line in the water, and open the mouth of the first fish you catch and take the coin in its mouth and go pay both our taxes.
Principles: when you’re in the presence of God, the best thing to do is listen instead of being distracted by doing busywork. God provides.
Matthew 18
This chapter contains several well known sets of scripture. The first one is where the disciples are talking about who is greatest in God’s kingdom. They decide to bring Jesus into the conversation. He brings a child near and says that unless you turn from sin and become like a child you won’t get into heaven. He makes several points about how children should be invited to know God and protected against being lead away from God. Jesus notes how bad it would be for those that cause the children to stumble. Next Jesus shares about going after one one sheep, leaving 99 that are not lost, to find the one lost and the rejoicing at finding the lost sheep. Next Jesus talks about a process for correcting another person (brother, suggesting a relationship perhaps). He says to go to the brother privately about the concern. If that doesn’t work, bring another person into the conversation to try to correct the person. If that doesn’t work bring the person before the church. If that still doesn’t work treat the person like a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. He follows up by talking about what you bind/forbid (or permitted) on earth will be bound/forbidden (or permitted) in heaven. He also says when two or three agree about something on earth God the Father is with them and will do it. In the final section of this chapter, Peter asks how many times he would forgive someone. Peter offers seven times. Jesus says no, 70 x 7 times, or as many times as it takes. Jesus shares a parable about a person in debt that is about to be thrown into prison for His debt until it can be paid. The person in debt begs for more time and the person he owes has mercy on him and forgives him. Then the person who was forgiven goes out and has a person that owes him money thrown in prison even after the person begs for more time. Then the person who had forgiven the original person was told what happened and brought the person in who was forgiven and told he’d been forgiven so much and should have forgiven the other person. He was then thrown into prison.
Principles: so many principles. Your attitude towards your relationship with God should be childlike: wonder-filled, trusting, simple, reliant. Protect children and other believers from falling. Conflict resolution principles: go to the person privately in hopes of resolving (one on one). Go back with one other if needed (group on one). If still needed, take before an authority. If still not resolved set up a boundary to not allow them to affect you. The final section talks about an attitude of forgiveness. Always forgive.
Matthew 19
The Pharisees come to try to trip up Jesus by asking Him about divorce. Jesus notes that God intended for marriage to be permanent but Moses allowed for it in the law due to the hardness of hearts of the people. Jesus says that a man commits adultery if he remarried unless she has been unfaithful. The disciples recognize that it may be better not to marry because of how hard this is to take. Jesus notes that note everyone can handle that.
Some parents bring their children to Jesus wanting Him to bless them but the disciples try to push them away. Jesus tells the disciples to let them come noting that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.
A rich man comes to Jesus asking Him what good deed he must do to have eternal life. This story (or a similar one) is told in the order gospels. This one is a bit shorter with less detail. Jesus points him to the commandments. The man says he has obeyed all of these. Then Jesus tells him to sell everything he has and come and follow Him. The man goes away sad because he has many possessions. Jesus notes that it is very hard for rich people to enter the kingdom. The disciples are surprised by this wondering who can be saved then. Jesus notes that is impossible through human efforts but with God everything is possible.
Then Peter notes that they have given up everything to follow Him and asks what they will get. Jesus says that when He is sitting in His throne, they will have 12 thrones to rule the 12 tribes of Israel. He expands the statement saying that anytime who has sacrificed for Jesus will receive a hundred times that.
Principles: live your faith simply before God. Don’t let your possessions hold you.
Matthew 20
This chapter starts with Jesus sharing a parable about a vineyard owner who hires day workers to work his field. He starts in the morning agreeing to pay them the going rate. Later in the morning, he sees others that had not found work and sends them out to the field agreeing to pay them what was fair. Late in the day he finds more workers looking for work and sends them out to work. At the end of the day he pays everyone starting with the last hired, paying them a full days wage. When those that worked a whole day come to receive their pay they expect more pay but receive the agreed upon rate. They protest. The vineyard owner says that they had agreed to work for that and asks is it wrong for him to be generous. This seems to be unfair to the first workers but we must realize that we are the last workers and the Vineyard Owner wanted to be generous with us.
Jesus tells his disciples as they head to Jerusalem that he is going to die and be resurrected.
James and John come with their mother to Jesus with a request. She asks for them to be seated in a place of honor next to Jesus when He comes into His kingdom. Jesus tries to let them understand that it will be very hard to get there and asks if are willing to suffer the cost. They say they are. Jesus says they will but it is not His place to give them that honor. That is His Father’s decision. The other ten disciples heard what they had asked and were upset that they would presume to ask. Jesus then used the opportunity to talk about servant leadership with them as a model of leading.
As Jesus and the disciples left Jericho on their way to Jerusalem, two blind men heard that it was Jesus coming through. They began shouting, “Lord, son of David, have mercy on us.” People told them to be quiet but they shouted even louder. Finally Jesus heard them and asked them what they wanted. They said they wanted to see. Jesus headed them and they followed Jesus.
Principles: God chooses to be generous with us even though we don’t deserve it. We need to be servants to others not looking to lord over them. Be persistent in asking Jesus what you want.
Matthew 21
This chapter starts the week before Jesus’ death and resurrection. It starts with what id called the triumphal entry where Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt. To honor Him, people lay their cloaks and palm branches on the ground for the colt carrying Jesus to walk on. They shout praises to Jesus while He rides through. This is what Palm Sunday celebrates. This event fulfills prophecy. Even securing the donkey fulfills prophecy from Jesus as He tells His disciples what to look for and it happens just as He tells them.
When Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, He goes to the temple and begins to drive out people there that are selling things in the temple. He also heals people.
Jesus goes back to Bethany to stay for the night. In the morning He is hungry and goes to a fig tree to get something to eat but the tree had no fruit. So Jesus cursed the tree and it shriveled and died. The disciples were amazed and Jesus used it as a lesson in faith.
Jesus returns to the temple and begins teaching. The Pharisees challenge Him asking by what authority He teaches. He tells them He’ll answer that if they will answer His question: by whose authority did John (the Baptist) teach. The Pharisees discuss and realize if they answer, they will be exposed either for not listening to John or for not believing that John was a prophet and the people will turn against them. So the Pharisees tell Jesus they don’t know. Jesus says then He won’t tell them by whose authority He speaks.
Two parables are then shared in the chapter. The first is about two sons that are given direction by their father. The first says no he won’t do what the father says but then goes and does it. The second says he will do it but then doesn’t. Jesus asks the crowd which son obeyed his father. They replied the first.
The other parable is about a landowner who plants a vineyard and leases it out to farmers. When the time of harvest comes the landowner sends servants to collect his share. The farmers mistreat and kill the servants. So the landowner sends another set of servants and they do the same. Finally he sends his son and the farmers kill him thinking they will be able to keep the land for themselves. Jesus asks what will happen because of this. The religious leaders say that the landowner will come back and kill the farmers and lease the land to order farmers.
The Pharisees realize that Jesus is referring to them as these evil farmers. They wanted to arrest Him but realized they couldn’t because the people would rebel as they recognized Jesus as a prophet.
Principles: The same people who praise you on Palm Sunday will crucify you on Easter. Don’t make worshiping God about money.
Matthew 22
This chapter continues Jesus teaching the crowds in Jerusalem. He teaches them a parable about a king who throws a great feast for His Son’s wedding. After He prepares the feast He calls the guests to come but they all give excuses and don’t come. He invites them again, but they refuse again, some even killing the messengers. So the King sends an army to destroy the murderers and then has His servants invite people out in street corners and everyone they could see, good and bad. When the guests arrive, the King goes out to meet the guests, He finds someone not in wedding attire and He has him thrown out. Jesus notes many are called but few are chosen.
Next the Pharisees and supporters of Herod try to trick Jesus and Jesus knows what they are trying to do by giving them an answer that is above the quandary they tried to create for Jesus.
Then the Sadducees tried to trap Him giving Jesus a scenario they did not believe in about life after death (which they didn’t believe in). He gives them a response showing just how little they knew about God and His word.
The Pharisees try to trap Him by asking about the greatest commandment. He gives them not only the most important commandment but a second one related to it. The two together summarize the team commandments of Moses.
Jesus then questions them about the Messiah asking whose son he is. They said King David’s son. He then pointed out that David called the Messiah his Lord which would be abnormal for a father to call his son and asked the Pharisees why that would be the way King David responded. The Pharisees couldn’t answer him.
Principles: God has a standard for entering His kingdom. God is above our logic.
Matthew 24
Jesus is in Jerusalem and the disciples are pointing out and talking about the historical and famous structures of Jerusalem. Jesus tells them that they will all be destroyed.
Later on, the disciples ask Jesus about the timing of the building and end times in general. Jesus walks them through the signs of end times. Jesus warns them to be faithful in serving God.
Principles: there are signs pointing to the return of Jesus. Stay faithful to Him.
Matthew 25
In this chapter are two parables and teaching on the end times from Jesus. The first parable talks about being ready for end times by comparing it to a wedding practice of the time and discussing those who were ready for Jesus’ return versus those who were not. The second parable talks about how people remain faithful to do what God has told them to do versus those who do not. Finally Jesus talks about how people will be judged in the end.
Each teaching reflects on aspects of measuring those who will be marked as faithful and ready for an eternity spent with God.
Principles: stay focused on the Bridegroom and what He’s asked you to do
Matthew 26
This chapter is the days leading up to Passover and the first day of Passover. In the chapter, Jesus again tells the disciples that He will be betrayed and killed. The chapter also shares how a woman comes to Jesus and anoints Him by pouring expensive oil over His head. The disciples are upset for the “waste” of money but Jesus corrects them saying she had prepared His body for burial and that she would be remembered for this act.
Judas also makes arrangements with the high priests to betray Jesus.
There is also a recording of the last supper. There are several prophecies fulfilled in this part of the chapter. Some of them are prophecies Jesus shares (finding a place to eat the Passover meal) and some that are from other portions of the Old Testament (that all would betray him). At the last supper, Jesus implements what has come to be called communion. It is noted as a sacrament for most churches and denominations.
Jesus predicts that Peter will deny him three times by the end of the night.
The chapter shares the story of Gethsemane where Jesus asks to be released from the coming death but says not His will but the Father’s will.
The high priests come and arrest Jesus in the garden with the help of Judas. They take Him back to the High priest’s house to question and accuse Him. They have people lie to try to convict Him. It’s not until Jesus says that He is the son of God and messiah that they feel they have enough to have Him crucified.
The chapter ends with Peter denying Jesus just as Jesus said would happen.
Principles: Jesus’ death was for me and was a hard thing for Jesus. I rejected Him but He died for me even still.
Matthew 27
In this chapter it opens with Judas realizing what he has done and trying to return the money he’d been paid and undo his betrayal of Jesus. The religious leaders would have nothing to do with him. Judas threw the money at them, left, and hanged himself. The religious leaders took the money and bought a field for burial of foreigners. This fulfilled prophecy.
Jesus is brought before Pilate but would not answer the accusations of the Jews. Pilate knew they were envious of Jesus and tried to let him be released through his custom of releasing one prisoner each Passover. However, the crowd was convinced to choose Barabbas instead. Pilate asked what he should do with Jesus and the crowd said crucify him. Pilate washed his hands saying it was on their hands not his and the crowd said they accept it along with their children. Pilate had Jesus whipped and released to the Jews.
While being whipped, the soldiers mocked him by fashioning a crown of thorns and giving him a reed for a scepter and a robe for a garment. They cast lots for his clothes. They hit him and spat on him.
The soldiers led Jesus away to be crucified. Along the way, they had a man named Simon help carry the cross. Jesus was hung on the cross. People passing by jeered at him saying He said he could save others but can’t save himself.
At noon, it got dark until 3 pm. Jesus called out saying, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me.” Jesus cried out again and died. When he died, the curtain in the temple that separated the holy of holies from the rest of the temple was ripped in two signifying that it was no longer the way that God interact with His people. There were earthquakes as well. Also, tombs of people of godly people that had died opened up and the people came out and appeared to many people.
This scared the Roman soldiers. They recognized that this really was the son of God.
Joseph of Arimathea came to Pilate to request the body of Jesus and buried him in his own tomb. After His burial, the religious leaders went to Pilate asking for guards for Jesus’ tomb saying that He said he would be raised on the third day. Pilate allowed them guards and seals for the tomb.
Principles: users don’t care about you after they’ve used you. Those who worshipped you on Palm Sunday will crucify you on Easter. The old way of interacting with God is over.
Matthew 28
This chapter covers Jesus rising from the dead. Mary Magdalene and another Mary well known to the disciples went to visit the tomb. However, an angel moved the stone from the tomb, an earthquake happened, the guards who were supposed to be guarding the tomb got so scared they passed out. The angels told the women that Jesus had risen and would meet them in Galilea. They were told to go and tell the disciples that Jesus had risen just as He said. As the women ran to tell the disciples, Jesus met them. The women worshipped Him. Then Jesus sent them on their way.
The guards went to the religious leaders and told them what happened but they bribed the guards to say that Jesus’ followers came and took Him in the night.
After the ladies tell the disciples, they head to Galilea as they were told to do. They find Jesus there as He said and they worship Him.
The last section is commonly known as the Great Commission. It basically gives believers a directive of what they should do in the world.
Principles: Jesus paid it all and rose again.